Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Urban Attention Seeker Fails to Garner Attention With Recumbent Bicycle

West Wellington Village- Hoping to grab the attention of on-lookers in the village of WEst WEllington, cyclist Gary Stevens failed to attract any curious on-lookers with his new recumbent bicycle. Stevens donned his Spandex biking shorts to reduce his aerodynamic ride down the busy street at speeds of up to 15km/h. "Rush hour is the best time for people to see me, commuters are stuck in traffic and really have choice but to stare at me." states Stevens who was en route to yoga when interviewed about his bike. Unfortunately the bike failed to attract any interest and even had some people honking madly for Stevens to get out the way. Dejected, Stevens came to a stop at a light and not being familiar with his new bike, toppled over before the light could turn green resulting in minor injuries.


  1. When you quote someone, place a comma inside the closed quote if the sentence is to continue. Also, re-read the quote to see if it makes sense (you left out a key word) and to make sure make the tense agrees with the rest of the paragraph.


    "Rush hour is the best time for people to see me, commuters are stuck in traffic and really have choice but to stare at me." states Stevens who was en route to yoga when interviewed about his bike.


    "Rush hour is the best time for people to see me, since commuters are stuck in traffic and really have no choice but to stare at me," said Stevens, who was en route to yoga when interviewed about his bike.

  2. This blog has excellent potential and is really funny--just what Ottawa can use--but the sort of proofing and editing eye referred to above are indeed needed to make it perfect. Great work!

  3. I will help you edit for free, if you like.

  4. Tommy Talker,

    How about a post on Ottawa's under-worked and benevolent Literati? Although they might miss the humour, I'm certain the would jump at the chance to edit a post about themselves!
