Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Crazed Arizona Shooter Had Role In Hit Film "The Goonies"

Tucson, Az - The crazed Arizona madman who is accused of a shooting spree that has left six dead and 14 injured, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, has been identified as Jared Lee Loughner who played the role of "Sloth" Fratelli in the hit 1985 film "The Goonies". The scary, but morose behemoth played by Loughner in the film was best known for his line "Sloth love Chunk..." at the end of the film when he befriends the obese child actor "Chunk" played by Jeff Cohen. Loughner, who never acted again after his role as the severely disfigured Sloth was remembered by director Richard Donner as somewhat of a lunatic on set and is not surprised by the news of the heinous violence. "Loughner who played Sloth was always deranged and violent on the set of Goonies, and as fitting as it was for his role, this tragedy is in no way a surprise to me. He should have been locked up after we wrapped that film." Donner admitted yesterday to the media. The Pima County Sheriff's Office has Loughner in custody awaiting a court appearance where it is expected he will be placed under heavy security for fear that another gun-toting Arizona citizen will exact revenge for the tragedy using a legally concealed weapon.

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