Ottawa - Scores of new immigrants to Canada are packing it in and returning to their warm, sunny climates after facing their initial bone chilling Canadian winter. Most new immigrants had no idea what winters in Canada were like, and were shocked at how cold, bleak and grey it is for weeks on end. “This isn’t what we expected when we saw the brochures on Canada.” exclaimed Ninata Huovuez who emigrated to Canada from her native country of Nicaragua, where temperatures rarely dip below 20 degrees Celius. “This is total bulls--t...I lost two toes to frostbite and can’t even go outside with my children cause their eyeballs will freeze.”
Huovuez joins hundreds of other recent immigrants who are shocked and terrified of what most Canadians endure each winter. “I would rather go back to my homeland and risk getting macheted to death, starve or drown in floods rather than put up with this f---ing arctic torture.” Congo immigrant Patrice Lumbumba yelled as she waited in line at the Congo embassy for her visa to return home. “Enough is enough...you Canadians are idiots to stay here and freeze. No one told us it would be a living ice hell coming to Canada. They showed us pictures of beavers and green forests. I feel cheated.” Lumbumba accused the Canadian government who filed her immigration papers last summer.
Most new immigrants share the same sentiments regarding their move to Canada, a betrayal at the fact no one told them it is freezing cold here for six months of the year. Many would rather return to their impoverished homeland instead of enduring the intense cold. “I’ll probably starve to death or be convicted of treason and executed when I return home, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take if I can at least be warm again.” Lumbumba remarked.
Ottawa - After Health Canada issued a frostbite warning for most of Eastern Ontario yesterday, thousands of flight capable street pigeons are regretting not making the trek south with the rest of their aviary companions who are settling in to a warm climate in the Southern United States.
“We are lazy crumb scavenging birds, but we never thought it would get this cold.” exclaimed Sparks street street pigeon “Potsy” as he huddled against an exhaust vent at the side of the CBC building this afternoon. With temperatures in the Ottawa region dipping down into the -30’s with wind chill, most pigeons are regretting not using their flight capabilities to fly south this winter. “We got lazy pecking at the spilled fries from the chip trucks and thought we had it pretty good.” remarked Howie, the shivering street pigeon who marks his territory east of Bank Street. “We thought the Christmas season was pretty favourable in terms of weather and we had no idea the wrath of Jack Frost would wield his mighty icicle of sub-zero temperature upon us.”
Well known to pedestrians and office workers alike, the lazy and short sighted pigeons are now making a plea for help as crumbs and stray garbage is becoming less scarce in lieu of the recent cold snap. With the onset of sub-zero temperatures and Health Canada’s frostbite warning in effect, many pigeons are now faced with the undesirable choice of huddling on heat grates in the downtown core, or sleeping on hydro lines to keep warm.
Not known for their use of internal directional compass, the pigeons are now forced to combat the cold and seek refuge wherever possible. “Just last night I had a chickadee let me know there was a full bird feeder off Bronson, so I think I’ll be okay for now.” tweeted “Peanut”, a two year veteran of Ottawa winters. “But I’ll have you know next year I’ll be joining the robins in getting the hell outta here before the snow flies.” Peanut replied as he cooed to a nearby pedestrian, begging for a morsel of his street vendor hot dog.
Any Shopping Mall - The delightful selection of savory sausages and cheese spreads made a quiet exit from shopping mall kiosks across North America this week when Hickory Farms packed up their 2,907 holiday locations and returned to their secret Headquarters somewhere in Ohio.
Hickory Farms brings the best of Midwest values and unwavering quality to consumers in North America during the Christmas season and have once again returned to their food labs to create even more savory foods for next year’s holiday season. Starting in late November, Hickory Farms kiosks appear in malls across the continent, offering an unparalleled selection of rich and delicious food baskets, spreads, cured meats and nuts. “Our products bring the goodness of Hickory Farms into many homes during the holidays.” explained Hickory Farms Regional Manager Glynnis MacIntyre who personally oversaw the sale of 5,678 sausage and cheese samplers this season. “Our job is now done and we have to go back to our mothership and work on new delicacies infused with mind control drugs for next year.” MacIntyre revealed as she levitated into a waiting dirigible.
With the end of the holiday season upon us, Hickory “Farmers” everywhere worked under the cover of darkness and using unknown teleportation devices, removed themselves and their large refrigerator units of food back to their secret labs in Ohio. One mall outside of Kingston, On had a nut encrusted cheese ball roll astray during the exodus, but other than that, no remaining trace of Hickory Farms kiosks were reported anywhere.
Westboro - Hundreds of yoga and non-yoga posers anxiously awaited the Westboro Lululemon store’s Boxing Week 50% More Sale now being offered at select locations. The annual sale offers shoppers the chance to pay 50% more than the ticketed price for sweatpants, yoga shirts, hoodies and other assorted apparel. Renowned for their already high prices on athletic wear, the 50% more sale, now allows trendy shoppers to spend even more money on the already over-priced clothing.
“I waited 2 hours in line just so I could buy this hoodie for $150 instead of the regular $100.” exclaimed Trina Palen, who has been wanting a hoodie from Lululemon for months since she heard it was the trendy thing to wear. “Paying an additional 50% for the hoodie now makes me look even more cool.” Palen remarked.
With scores of overweight and fit shoppers alike clambering to cash in on the opportunity to spend even more money on Lululemon apparel, the store had to hire security to make sure a sense of decorum was maintained. Store Manager Kelly Mivello explained the crowds had to dispersed as some shoppers got heated in their attempts to snatch up the sale items. “When the sale started, we had women fighting over a pair of sweatpants that were marked up from $80 to $100, and neither of them were going to give up their find.” With Lululemon offering this great opportunity, time is limited and Mivello encourages people to get to the store soon before the sale ends, and tags are returned to their lower prices.
Ottawa - The sounds of Thomas The Tank Engine and Friends will now be a reality for the citizens of Ottawa as Mayor Watson and Sir Topham Hatt reached an agreement for the city's Light Rail System earlier today. With Thomas and Friends leading the bidding process for the new LRT system, both Watson and Sir Hatt are confident the rail project will be a huge success. "I'm ecstatic to announce Thomas The Tank Engine and Friends will lead the way for Light Rail in Ottawa." Watson enthusiastically announced last night at a news conference inside City Hall. "With his good natured
assortment of railway friends, I think commuters will be enjoying a fun, safe and reliable experience once the tunnel is completed in 2015." remarked Watson.