Monday, August 15, 2011

Bridgehead Plans New Location In Westboro Manhole

Westboro - The well-known and popular coffee shop chain "Bridgehead" began construction yesterday on their 235th location in the west end of Ottawa down a manhole located on Richmond Road across from the existing location beside LuluLemon. The new underground Bridgehead location will service those customers who are in need of fair-trade coffee as they cross the street and can not wait until they get to the other side where a Bridgehead location already exists. "We want our valued customers to have mid-street access to our delicious blends of fair trade coffees without having to walk completely across the street." explained Bridgehead owner and CEO Carm Newbeam, who was on site to inspect the underground construction of his latest gourmet coffee outlet. "We will be offering our delectable array of warm and cold beverages, as well as tasty foods at this latest manhole location as of October 2011." Newbeam remarked, who believes the underground location will see a lot of traffic once it opens. "We are tapping into a whole new sub-terranean market." replied Newbeam, who opened his first Bridgehead location on Bank Street in 1997.

Westboro BIA President Debra Channing thinks the new manhole Bridgehead is "innovative" and "space-saving" and looks forward to grabbing her morning coffee from the depths of the roadway. However, the manhole location has some residents worried the typical long line-ups may create a dangerous situation for motorists trying to avoid customers entering and exiting the underground Bridgehead. "I hope they have a light or something marking it at night." Westboro resident Gaylea Jones remarked.

Bridgehead is expected to complete construction on their manhole location this fall, with plans for a floating river location to begin construction in 2012 to service the many Westboro kayakers who frequent the waters in front of Westboro beach.

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