Ottawa's Humidex Feeler is Gary Knapp, 54, who works at the Ottawa division of Environment Canada and reports what his job is during a heat wave. "I usually have to step outside at 9am, noon and 3pm, then sit there for a minute of two. I then contemplate what it kinda feels like to me, then announce it to the weather department, which updates all the news outlets." Knapp explains. He says it takes a few minutes for him to "feel" the temperature before announcing it "Feels like 43", or whatever the temperature he may be feeling. Years of training and outdoor standing gives Knapp a humidexer edge when announcing what the temperature feels like. "I spent three months in the deserts of Africa standing and feeling the temperature, so I have a pretty good idea of the range of temperatures I can feel." Knapp remarked.
A busy season for Knapp, summer can take it's toll on the Humidexer, who likes to hydrate with Kool-Aid or water. Knapp often looks forward to the cooler temperatures of the winter season when he is employed as a Wind Chill Factorer, standing outside during the winter months, feeling the brisk winds of winter, and announcing, "With the Wind chill it feels like -26".
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