Ottawa - The recent installation of a multi-signal traffic light on the corner of Rideau and King Edward Streets has some motorists concerned and somewhat confused, especially during rush-hour traffic flow. The new 48 light signal was installed to help alleviate traffic problems at the problem intersection, but has proved to be confusing and hard to decipher during when encountered. Since the installation of the new signal last week, there have been 47 reported collisions at the intersection, leading City Traffic officials to re-consider the implications of the new signal. “We thought this new traffic light would help ease some of the congestion and traffic flow problems at this busy intersection, but it looks like the light is causing even more problems.” explained City Traffic Manager Hugh Slovic. “Multiple advance greens, directional greens, and an assortment of flashing reds have some motorists confused, especially during the split second driving reactions of rush hour traffic.” Slovic remarked.
The new traffic light confuses some motorists with its 68 different light signals, and has even caused epileptic reactions in certain drivers who encounter the signal. A City Traffic Study is ongoing to see what solution, if any, can be reached at the intersection. In the meantime City officials advise motorists to avoid the area unless they enjoy frustrating wait times and dealing with confused motorists trying to figure out the traffic light.
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