Westboro - The privileged children of Westboro will no longer be subjected to the harsh water conditions of municipal water when the area's four splash pads will be converted to use Perrier water later this week. Parents in the neighbourhood have lobbied city hall for weeks that the city water previously used at the splash pads was ruining their children's skin and hair. Residents also indicated that they would be willing to pay more in property taxes if the city converted the splash pads water to the less abrasive and conditioned Perrier water.
City of Ottawa Parks and Recreation manager Marcel Benoit made the decision to convert the water used in the Westboro splash pads after receiving numerous complaints from local parents who believe the city water is damaging their children's pale, alabaster skin with high mineral content and possible chlorination. "The conversion to the Perrier water system should alleviate any concerns parents may have that the cooling waters may harm their children." explained Benoit who expects the splash pads to be operating on Perrier by Thursday when temperatures are expected to reach 37 degrees. "Now the kids can frolic in the sprinkling waters without concern for their well-being." Benoit remarked.
A coalition of Westboro parents lobbied Ottawa City Hall to convert the splash pads in early June when they noticed their children were complaining that their hair was less soft and manageable after a visit to the municipal water fed water parks. Westboro Parent Association President, Carlene Hechenburg contacted the city and demanded the splash pads be converted to the less abrasive Perrier water after contacting Perrier and discovering they can provide water for splash pads in more affluent neighbourhoods. "This will ensure both parents and children in the area can enjoy cooling down without worrying about water quality." replied Hechenburg.
Westboro splash pads will require those attending the specialized facilities to provide proof of Westboro residence upon arrival where city staff they will also issue a Tilley Hat and SPF95 sunscreen.
Ottawa - Incessant crow cawing heard across the city between the hours of 4am and 8am have recently been deciphered and translated by a Carleton University professor who has determined they are important warnings for mankind. Dr. Harold Freeman of the Department Of Ornithology at Carleton University discovered that the annoying caws of crows are warning us of impending doom and sometimes giving instructions on how to cure cancer.
After years of painstaking research into the annoying cawing of crows in the early dawn hours, Freeman thinks he has finally unravelled the mystery as to why they are so adamant about vocalizing their thoughts at such an inconvenient and disturbing time. “Crows are just getting up early to warn mankind that the end is near, or that the humans beside their tree need to get up and start work a bit earlier due to a traffic issue on the 417.” Freeman states. Most crows also make an attempt to vocalize their warnings and thoughts to those with hangovers, a lack of sleep, or both.
An accredited ornithologist, Freeman conceived and tested a successful crow translator, recording the annoying, intrusive and irritating sounds of crow caws at 4am across various parts of Ottawa. After deciphering their incessant caws using his patented Cawdex computer program, Freeman determined the crows are just really trying to tell us some important messages that we are not acknowledging. “The crows are trying to communicate with us similar to dolphins, but no one really wants to hear them at 4am.” Freeman continued.
After announcing his findings, Freeman hopes the crows will ease up on their exasperating early morning caw calls and let humans reply in time using specialized bird translation devices. Freeman also hopes those annoyed by the cawing will finally accept their black-beaked feathered friends messages, as they are meant to help mankind even though they are delivered at 4am.
Westboro - A neighbourhood that prides itself on active living and a distinct lifestyle is upset at a snarky automated traffic sign stationed along Byron Avenue in the midst of a road construction zone. The sign used by a local construction company has an artificial intelligence system for monitoring and informing oncoming motorists of current traffic conditions that lie ahead. The automated sign, Model QB-794, has recently switched from informative traffic updates to a more snarky attitude, resulting in some off-hand remarks that is irritating some local residents who pass by the sign. “I was coming home from a particularly bad day at work and this sign tells me to slow down, there’s still lots of cake at the grocery store.” exclaimed Denise Hornbeck, a Westboro resident who wants the sign removed.
The construction company using the sign has responded to complaints by saying that they have no control over what the sign displays since it uses an integrated artificial intelligence system. “We tried to re-program the system but it would not open the control door for us when we input the access code.” replied Joel Kesling, Operations Manager for the construction site. “We knew the QB-794 had some glitches, but this is ridiculous.” Kesling remarked.
Other passing motorists have complained of QB-794 displaying other offensive remarks such as “YOU ARE STILL A LOSER EVEN IN A BMW” , “LETS HOPE YOUR SUSPENSION CAN HOLD UP UNTIL YOU GET TO YOGA” and most recently, “HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU REALLY USED THAT KAYAK ON TOP OF YOUR SUBARU?”.
City officials have contacted QB Signs of Brampton, makers of the QB-794 in hopes they can re-program the sign or replace it by the weekend.