Ottawa - The provincial Liberal candidate for Ottawa Centre is drawing criticism for his use of a potentially dangerous and distracting campaign sign on the 417 Queensway. The 50 foot “wavy arms” flailing red and white inflatable, goofy character hoping to attract the attention of passing motorists has drawn a number of complaints from commuters using the highway, claiming it is a distraction from their driving. Liberal candidate Yasir Naqvi who is using the unique campaign sign, has said the wildly writhing, thrashing inflatable polyester sign has only received positive feedback and thinks those voicing concern are from the office of Tory candidate Rob Dekker. “The sign is obviously hilarious with its flailing arms and torso, but also eye catching, hopefully garnering me enough votes from Ottawa Centre allowing me to continue providing excellent service to its residents.” responded incumbent Yasir Naqvi when asked about his distinctive campaign sign.
Motorists on the 417 who pass by the large, wildly undulating character near the Parkdale exit have been somewhat positive to the sign, but some have had said the flailing arms slap across their windshields during high winds, which may cause an accident. “I think it’s awesome, and I’ll vote for this Naqvi guy.” remarked one motorist, Bill Hanley, who passed by the inflatable sign as he exited the Queensway. “I saw it whip an arm into a Smart car, but the driver recovered okay, so I don’t see it as a problem.” Hanley remarked.
The campaign office of Rob Dekker, PC candidate for Ottawa Centre has said they are not responsible for filing the complaints against the flailing sign and are actually looking into a similarly eye-catching sign that will be towed by a low flying CF-18 fighter jet over the city during commuting hours.